Breaking News

Monday 27 July 2015

Freak accident kills a Chinese Woman by a Faulty Escalator!

Hubei China -- A Chinese woman was killed by a broken platform after getting of an escalator in a shopping center in Jingzhou, are now circulated online as the freak accident is so fatal.

Based on the CCTV footage of the shopping center, the incident shows a metal panel which is the control room collapsed that cause the woman and her child to loose balance.

The victim  identified as Xiang Liujuan, 30 years old. Took the escalator together with her child as the accident happen. The child was save by her mother by pushing it before falling in to the faulty escalator.

The two woman who were identified as employees of the shopping center were able to help save the child before the escalator pull the two of them. But unfortunately they didn't able to save the mother as the escalator easily pulled her to her death.

This accident sparked fury over the Chinese social media, were many Chinese demands answers from the management of the shopping center.

Watch the video here:

 Some of them expresses their deepest feeling regarding the accident.
"This is heartbreaking!”, "Why didn't store employees cordon off or shut down the escalator? The department store definitely bears responsibility for this."

Some of the netizens asked the following questions,
"Where were the screws to secure the panel? If the screws had been removed why didn't they shut down the escalator? What brand was that escalator?"

So it is recommended to make sure the escalator you use is safe before taking in.

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